Wednesday, March 23, 2011

for the past few weeks,

(picture taken on the first trip to our new apartment!) 

we've been busy unpacking, buying new furnitures for the apartment, and getting the telephone/tv/internet line up. we know that the blog has yet to be updated ever since we had gotten back to Victoria. Life has been a bitch, so forgive us.  But im really glad that everything is settled and yesh!, we have officially moved into our OWN apartment, 2 weeks ago. Dates for the housewarming party has yet to be announced, so stay tuned for it! :D It feels awesome, finally having an apartment that we can call " Home sweet Home". 
More post will be uploaded soon! So dont stop clicking to our blog, even though we know we're a bit 
lazy in regards to blogging! 

Have a great week ahead, everyone! 

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