Thursday, May 12, 2011


Weds: we went for Melbourne team Vs Gamba Osaka soccer match. 

Thurs: Maroon 5's Concert. It was AWESOME! & did i mention how HAWT Adam Levine  is?! Even Mel Tang had become a hardxcore fan of him! And he can sing really well. His voice just blown me away! 

Fri : remember that local band- Set Sail that we're blogged about awhile ago? Oh wells, they are finally going global! They are currently in Hong Kong now! But last week, we got to attend their last local performance at billboard, which was really amazing. 

Sun: Camberwell Flea Market 

That was our "last week" for you. Sorry for the lack of updates! We've been really busy, completing and working on our various assignments! Winter has officially began, 
and Gawd, the weather this year is just atrocious. Hope it will start to get warmer soon! 

xx mel. K.  

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