Monday, January 31, 2011

Its monday afternoon, my dear.

Just exactly a week ago, i was chilling in town with my mom, and we came across this really cool book (referring to the pictures above!). As you can see from the price tag, the book was from Kinokuniya. Anyway, before i divert off to blabber about something else, this book exhibits various London residents' apartments, showcasing the uniqueness style of each individual owners. Because of this book, im really inspired now, on how i want to decorate my new room back in Melbourne! 2011, is a whole NEW year to us- Mel T & Mel K, because we're offically staying together! We no longer have to speed dial each other's number to meet at the tram stop, nor do we need to walk for 5 minutes in the cold to each other's apartment!!

Speaking of Melbourne, (as of today) we are currently just 20 days away from getting our ass back to sweet O' Victoria.Chinese New Year is just less than a week away, hope everyone have a great time celebrating! Till then,
xx Mel K.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

This Photograph is Proof

My cup of Cappuccino from 18GRAMS cafe. 
  @18 GRAMS Cafe. 

Sup, readers! I know it had being " forever" since this online space has been updated.  Since im so 
bored, lazing at home, ive decided to make this space come back, alive! Im really excited to update about my trip back from Hong Kong. Personally, shopping was alright to me. The only thrilling thing that happened in this Hk Trip, was the 1-day-cafes-hunting adventure with my pal, Su-an. We realized that since the last time we had being back in HK, there had being an increasing number of small cafes, opened in this cosmopolitan island! In 1 day, we visited 3 cafes in total ( I know it's not a lot, but gosh! both of us got so sick of coffees!!) I really want to do a long detailed post about each individual cafes! Each cafes are unique in their own ways, and their food are AWESOME!!!

Surprisingly, in my 1 week trip back to Hong Kong, i  had dim sum only once! Talking about food, i 
really miss those Hong Kong street food...

Mel K.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Welcome 2011!

Happy 2011, everyone! This year, the Sea & the Cake spent their new year together at Overeasy.  It was a soothing evening spent with the girls. We laughed, screamed!, (There was a huge moth that got all of us so "hyped up", that Ashley Ng hid under the table.) and cheered. The food at Overeasy was appetizing. I really like my dish (which i cant remember what it is called)& all the other finger foods. 
We ended the night, watching fireworks by the riverside.

Here, we (Mel T & Mel K) wish you a happy new year & hope you are as excited as we are to welcome the new year! :)

xMel K.