Thursday, December 23, 2010

The Golden Affair

Mel T's 21st party! 

"Well well well, my 21st went well. I actually pictured myself frantically running around trying to entertain my friends and family, but I have really great friends and a very lovely mother who made me less panicky and that allowed me to mingle around without all the stress. I wouldn't have wanted it any other way. I've got all I need and MORE this year. Got a djembe all the way from Melbourne, a chocolate-coloured polaroid camera (finally!), a cupcake stand (thanks Ad!!!), Marc by marc jacobs pouch, pretty mittens, the prettiest measuring cups ever (!), bags, passport holder and the best gift of all are all the blessings and wishes from all the lovely people. 

21 now. Time to see and do things as an adult would, but still keep the fun in being me. " 

xx cited from Mel T.

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