Sunday, October 10, 2010



Today was a self-proclaim sunday break for the Sea & the Cake. Since, both of us had being swooned by the (endless) loaded assignment datelines!!!  
This week's Remembering Sunday lll brings you, " live", to the oh-so-well-known Down Under's flea market- Finder Keepers.  All of us were late in waking up, and by the time we reached the site, 
the place was already flooded with people. There was a live band,  a DIY bar, and of course,  the swap meet. Unlike other fleas,  most of the items found there were distinctive pieces designed by the individual local designers.  As the entire area was extremely huge ( it was a old boat warehouse) ,  we took forever to walk around. Nonetheless, both of us had an enjoyable day. 

Final assignments are rushing in and we're running out of time!!! 
First year of uni is coming to an end, and we still cant believe that. This semester has passed extremely fast, and that's mostly because, good times roll. 
Hope everyone had a great weekend, like us! 

x Mel K. 

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