Friday, October 22, 2010

Like it's HIS Birthday.

( the two 2nd november cool kidz!) 
Picture credits to Julien & Mel K.

Put a treasure hunt, the girls from the sea & the cake, 7 lads and the birthday boy who reluctantly stuck to the itinerary for the day and there you have it - a birthday/ farewell surprise~
It did went pretty well considering how me and mel k talked Marc out of doing 4/7 of the treasure hunt and Julien's failure in hiding to take those paparazzi shots (because we could see you, Jules). That aside, it was a wonderful group effort, I must say. I must also add that St Kilda's beach isn't one of the best place to hold a night picnic especially when Melbourne's Spring weather screws you over by not being too Spring-ish. I would also like to think that Marc had a good time that day, which I'm pretty darn sure he did. Happy early 26th Marc~! Hope Singapore's been kind to you so far! 

xMel T.


  1. how to take those paparazzi shots without exposing myself? i'm sorry for being tall and untactical. army has failed me.

  2. where did mel get her shoes?

  3. Which Mel are you referring to? Anyway, both Mels are wearing the same shoes!

  4. yep! where did you get them, looks awesome :)

  5. We got it from one of the stores along Flinders Lane, Melbourne. But im sure you can get it from other stores along chapel st, General Pants.. hope this help! :)

  6. thank you :) what brand is it??
