Saturday, October 30, 2010


<3 you just have to love her. haha. 
Photo credits: Clyde's Camera. 

Well, last saturday, was spent celebrating Halloween with Bunny, Zorro, Kitty Cat & "Snow White".  We all had a great time, running around, snapping pictures with the different 
characters, dancing along to Triller by Michael Jackson & listening to the 'Ching Chang Chong'- PRC song.. even though, i only got to drink 1 bottle of my favorite apple cider! 
RMIT kids had officially, ended their Uni, whereas, poor O' Melb Uni kid still have 
exams to conquer! :(  

Anyway,  as of now,  it had became the SEA / CAKE.  Hope Mel T. is having a marvelous time in Sweaty Singapore. 

Mel K

Friday, October 22, 2010

Like it's HIS Birthday.

( the two 2nd november cool kidz!) 
Picture credits to Julien & Mel K.

Put a treasure hunt, the girls from the sea & the cake, 7 lads and the birthday boy who reluctantly stuck to the itinerary for the day and there you have it - a birthday/ farewell surprise~
It did went pretty well considering how me and mel k talked Marc out of doing 4/7 of the treasure hunt and Julien's failure in hiding to take those paparazzi shots (because we could see you, Jules). That aside, it was a wonderful group effort, I must say. I must also add that St Kilda's beach isn't one of the best place to hold a night picnic especially when Melbourne's Spring weather screws you over by not being too Spring-ish. I would also like to think that Marc had a good time that day, which I'm pretty darn sure he did. Happy early 26th Marc~! Hope Singapore's been kind to you so far! 

xMel T.