Sunday, September 19, 2010

x Around the World x

On Mel T: 
On Mel K: Printed Dress- Subtitled, Grey Hoodie- Cheap Monday, Green Jacket- H&M 

Remembering Sunday - Brunswick

Well, me & Mel k were supposed to have our $4 pizza because we travelled all the way there for that but turns out the offer was only valid in the evening. But nonetheless, we had a mellow & pleasant Sunday just walking around Brunswick, taking silly pictures with the graffiti walls as our backdrop and chancing upon the Rose Street Market. And best of all, we got free postcards! Actually, we didn't know if they were free but we just took it anyway. 

It's back to school for me tomorrow while Mel K slaves away during her semester break trying to get her design work done. All the best, Kay kay!

x Mel T.


Just in case you guys are wondering where this $4 pizza that we're referring to is at... it is situated down the corner of Brunswick St & Rose St Fitzory, Vic. The place is called Bimbo Deluxe! 
And also remember to check out the famous Rose Street Artist Market just situated across the street. 

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