Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Letters to ourselves in 2012.

Hi 2012 Melissa, 

Im not sure when you re-read this few years down the road, you'll already have in mind where or what 
you want to do. (Not that in 2010, you were not sure about all these.) To add on to this, i hope that majority of your aspirations will be fulfilled. To be frank, it's pretty hard to type this, cause who knows what 
will happen 3 years down the road, right? This blog will be a visual vomit updates of your late teen years. 
Pictures might be insane, shocking and maybe you might even doubt yourself, mentally. But after all, 
this is the only time of our life, where we dare to follow our hearts. 

Dear mello-o-jello,

I hope that by 2012 you've learnt to overcome homesickness and found love. By then, you'll be all set to head back to Sg with a kick-ass degree. With that, I have my fingers crossed now that you'll become more settled, independent and handle things differently (in a good way, of course). While taking in all of life's experiences, may you never lose your sillyness, your laughter and your happy-go-lucky take in life.

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