Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Joy Ride


On Mel T:  Black Basic Tank Top- Topshop, Two Tone Jacket- Topshop
On Mel K: Polka Dotted Top - Subtitled, Denim Jacket - Topshop. 

{Pictures courtesy of Clyde Teo}

25th September 2010 - Royal Melbourne Show.

Spent the day at the carnival with animals, carnival rides (well in our case it's just the gigantic swing), eating & well...walking around. It's my first time in a carnival like this so it's like the carnivals you see on television in real life. For me, the highlight of the day was seeing the different decorated cakes on display. For Mel K, she found the spongebob showbags & soft toys most amusing. Too bad we/ the guys didn't win any! The day ended for us with a slight downpour but we were compensated with a captivating rainbow against the pinkish-blue sky. 
And that was our Saturday for you. 

x mel t

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

White lines & Red Lights.




Happy Mooncake festival day! 
(Ok, or whatever you call it. )

Yes, as mentioned in one of the previous updates, im currently having my 2 weeks break. 
FYI ( for your information), it's actually NOT a holiday at all for me, cause i still have to head back to school and etc. 

Mel T & I, finally, watched Going The Distance!, the one with Drew Barrymore & Justin Long in it. Had been wanting to watch it since forever. Charlie St. Cloud is out tomorrow - Thurs and so is Easy A - the one with the Dan guy from GG. Cant wait to catch these 2 new movies.. 

Today was our study day at "Warehouse" aka Thousand Pound End, located along Little Lonsdale Street, for those who are interested in cafes in Melbourne... It's also one of our gang's favourite hangout place. There was a little Gallery event going on when we were there. Some local storybook writer/artist was showcasing her work. Pretty enthralling, I must say. Love the way the space was being designed using materials like cardboard. To summarize it all, it was a pretty neat, fascinating piece of DIY work done. Mel T will upload the pictures soon of the little maze that we travelled around, which she claimed to be "a-maz-ing"....

Oh ya, before i forgot, we're going for the Royal Melbourne Show this weekend, so maybe a more interesting update will be up soon! 

Mel K. 


Storybook showcase @ Thousand Pound End.

Thousand Pound End Cafe - In my opinion, average beverage but awesome ambience. Kind of like vintage flea market meets retro. A good place to people watch. 

x Mel T.