Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Birthday Slide with the Clyde (& William)



( Pictures credit to Clyde & Julien) 

"Slyde with the Clyde, 
T'was a day to behold,
a day of snowboarding fun for the young and the old.

The journey there was a two hour drive,
......along the way, some of us did nearly lost our lives!
But to the snow covered slopes, we finally did reach,
and Snowboarding to two lovely ladies, Mr Han did teach.

We slipped and we slid (the weather was frigid!);
rolled and fell, alongside a colorful 13-Mel.
Gareth and Clyde, boy could they slide,
riding down icy white slopes, and back up the Hotham Express ride.

Shaun and Sean, the uncool and cooler,
both immensely enjoyed it atop Mount Buller.
S-curves and toe slides, did the cool one achieve,
while Posh Spice himself aspired even higher,
stunt tricks and air time, although he had to try harder.

Liane and Mel, both clad in shades of blue,
Ride down the white slopes, both of them did do.
Squeals and white puffs marked where they fell,
but by the end of the day,
both could snowboard pretty darn well!

Into the white blizzard and ice and snow,
did our brave Julien trod,
despite his back injury follow us he did go.
Up the mountainside onto the wind blasted slopes,
with trusty camera in hand,
many shots did he take of the little kids and folks.

As for myself, I too had fun.
In fact, I once even managed a snowboard jump...!
Through the air I gracefully flew, snowboard gliding straight and true;
Onto the snow I finally landed,
except it wasn't my board but face first which I planted.

Alas despite the lovely company,
one person was missing: our dear friend William.
In the SG weather forecast which prob'ly read:
"Today Hot and Hotter",
he prob'ly wishes the day he can once again don a sweater.

But all in all despite the aches and pain,
back to the slopes we would gladly go again!
As long as the rental isn't so pricey,
and gear that we are issued isnt too dodgy,
if not I guess...well, theres always Snow City. :)"

-Marc Lee

Mel K. 

Monday, August 30, 2010

Clyde's & (William's) 23rd Snoozefest


On Mel T: 
On Mel K: Knitted White Vintage Top- Supre Vintage collection, Navy shorts- Topshop. 

( Pictures credit to Julien & Dengli) 

Monday, 30th August, was the official birthday of our 2 dear friends - Clyde & William. 
Even though, it was just a simple "sleepover" party, both of us (Mel T & Mel K)  had a marvelous time, chilling with our friends, and at the same time, listening to the " Lee & Li" mini gig. 

Here, we would like to wish, Clyde & William, 
Happy 23rd Birthday! 

Next up, Ski trip!! 

Mel K.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Taste of Melbourne.

{A night of jolly good food.}

This blog/space reminds me of the reasons why Melbourne is getting better. Like what Mel k said, things are getting better. I find myself trying/liking Melbourne more. The friends here plays a big part of course! 
Back to the essay now before our snowboarding trip & Snoozefest tmr and tues! 

Mel T.

We're Alright;


Winter is coming to an end, (which is awesome!) and as you walk along Swanston Street & Brouke Street, you'll realized that, beside the fact that more Aussies are wearing shorts and T-shirts, Winter Sales are everywhere! 

*Anyway, MaMa Tang, if you're reading this, Relax! haha,cause i think Tang's ability of controlling herself from shopping is improving! Yes,Tang! i've noticed! 

Moving on, 
since for Mel T, it is the start of her Mid september holidays, her life is more chillex as compared to 
mine (Mel K). 
Ok, i know she'll complain and say no, cause she also has to rush & complete her essay too, which is due soon. 
But my Sept holiday is only starting at the end of the month! 
To summarize it all, this week, both of us were basically drained up by assignments, after assignments.

On a brighter note,
 this week was spent roaming around the city, laughing our heads out. Even though,it  was just a simple week being spent. But for once, i felt that things were getting better(which im pretty sure Mel T, felt that way too!). Both of us are slowly adopting to the slow ambience of Sweet Old Melbourne, and how different is it from Singapore. Yes, at times we do reminisce, but i guess being away from Home had gotten us, mentally stronger, over time. At least, im pretty certain that Tang is becoming more optimistic as compared to Sem1. 

More updates soon! 
Bye week 6, Hello Week 7! 

Mel K.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Remembering Sunday ll




Another new update on Remembering Sunday: 
This week's Sunday was spent with the Queensberry's kids at North Melbourne Market ( similar to SG's version of flea market, except the fact that there are more vintage clothing for sale) & followed by a lazy afternoon at this pool place along Elizabeth street. Basically, it was just some lazing and chilling time for us. 

It's already the 6th week since we're back from Sg, time is flying fast and that's when 
Good times roll applies. Anyway, we need to start our daily cooking adventures at home again. 
After all, we're poor students. 

Week 7's going to be a packed week: 
Clyde's & William's 23rd 
A day ski trip. 
& more assignments due. 

Till then, fellow readers. Bye.

Mel k.